Adaptations and Repairs Service

Our adaptation service can help clients to not only access their bathing and toilet facilities but also to access their homes safely.

Adaptations include:

  • Level access showers
  • Stairlifts
  • Ramps
  • Door widening
  • Lifts and hoists

The repairs available can ensure a home is safe and secure enough for clients to remain living there.

Examples of repair work which will be considered are:

  • Roof repairs
  • Damp proofing

Care & Repair will assist with:

  • Assessing and identifying works required and project managing through to sign off
  • Benefits checks to ensure our clients are getting all of the benefits to which they may be entitled to
  • Help to find funding to pay for the work
  • Completing applications for council grants and loans
  • Supervising and monitoring commissioned work contracts
  • Advice on home energy efficiency and home security
  • Referrals to other organisations which may be able to assist with other needs
  • Planning permission and building regulations
  • Sourcing, vetting and instructing contractors

For major adaptation works such a stairlifts, ramps, bathing adaptations etc please call 01553 616200 option 1, option 2.

For more information please visit our FAQs